The end is in sight - of The Tender Herb: A Murder in Moghul India, that is. It helps that I enjoy writing on trains, and currently I'm doing about eight hours a week on the train. It is less helpful that I would much rather look out the window, at the deer, the rabbits, the pheasants, the swans, geese and ducks, the buzzards and sparrowhawks, the desolate herons standing in flooded fields. The above nest of snowdrops is another bonus. However, it's time to think, and to knit, and to make hurried notes when ideas strike.
I'm currently wondering about promotion for this book and I'm contemplating Fire and Ice Booktours, a virtual tour on blogs. Last book I had a go at free books for reviews on LibraryThing: I think seventy people requested free books (ebooks, thank goodness) and I had about five reviews from it, so that was a bit of a wash-out (the reviews were kind, though). I've also had an idea for a virtual launch party, come the autumn - preparations have already started so watch this space! (well, don't really, not all the time: I'm sure you can find many more useful ways to spend your days. But pop back now and again to see if the drinks have been poured).