Lexie Conyngham's Blog: writing, history and gardening.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Too hot to think

Not designed for tropical weather, which is one reason I live in the north east of Scotland. Therefore I feel slightly hard done by when the weather is glorious, though this time we've been cold and damp for so long I admit even I took some delight in the hot sunshine! And though everything is so far behind the allotments are mostly planted and the seedlings, which were threatening to take over, are finally off the kitchen windowsill and out fending for themselves. The tadpoles appear to be luring snails into their new pond with all the aplomb of Cornish wreckers, so they're fine. The worms seem to have given up the ghost in the cold snap but have been partially replaced - might have to get some more. The next novel is 80% typed and 70% proof read, but the cover is still in embryo - teaching has now stopped for the summer (yippee!!) so there are a few days a week when I have, in theory, a little time to type (as well as rewriting stuff for next term and catching up on exciting things like, oh, housework).
I've taken on some work where I have four long country bus journeys a week, a great opportunity for bird watching, as it happens. Though I'm often travel-sick on buses, the speed of the drivers on this route encourages me to think I'll be dead in a ditch before I get the chance to feel nauseous, which is always encouraging!